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Eight Ball Champ (1985)
  • Left orbit can be huge scoring. 100K orbit max, 100K saucer max, at 3X playfield that's 600K per shot!
  • Work the lanes at the top. Remember, you are trying to put lights out, not light them!
  • Knock down upper left and upper right drop targets first. Because, if you drain, they reset next ball, helps as you need to drop them twice.
  • Left orbit almost all day (if not for the need to also complete pool ball racks). Feeds top lanes, which complete for playfield multiplier!
  • When ball is at top, lane change (if not disabled) to always keep HAM lanes lit. Spelling CHAMP is playfield multiplier until end of ball!
  • Bonus is permanent on this game, so in later balls, concentrate on left orbit all day, to build bonus multiplier up to 5X.
  • Each drop target resets after your ball drains, but drop target will not reset during play until you hit the standup behind it.
  • Evel Knievel (1977)
  • Aim for the lit spinner. If neither is lit, complete drop targets to light
  • Don't go for the center standup Target or you will get quick drains.
  • Complete drop targets once for double bonus and to light spinners, twice for extra ball, three times for special.
  • In pinburgh this game is probably set 3-ball, so Lit Spinners all day
  • Fireball Classic (1985)
  • Lock a ball every opportunity you can get to collect more 3k skill shots.
  • Skill shot is an extremely high value 3k. Try to zip up flippers by center mushroom bumper as quickly as possible.
  • Mushroom bumpers increase switch values at right gate.
  • Plunge the ball up the rear of the playfield as far as possible without going over the edge to hit the three 1000 point switches.
  • Fireball II (1980)
  • Hit Top left targets to light locks, lock balls in VUKs, hit again to release balls.
  • Don't forget about center post kicker!
  • Unused Little Devil Credits (used to operate kicker post) are paid out in ball 3 bonus (10k each), so be sure not to tilt if you need them!
  • Once at least one ball is locked, the next lock target completion will release all locked balls.
  • One of the saucers is always lit for FIREBALL bonus collect. It collects with bonus x. Lighting lock makes collecting way easier.
  • Center target bank adds 2 demon credits and a Doomsday bonus x.
  • ABCD advances Fireball bonus x.
  • Shatz (shoot opposite inlane) to get C and D and to build up Fireball bonus.
  • Stay on upper playfield as long as possible and do loops. Blue targets on lower playfield are drain monsters. Double scoring target far left.
  • If you trap and ball runs up flipper be prepared to use flex save to prevent a Trident esque drain. Ball can be saved if doesn’t drop too far.
  • Harlem Globetrotters On Tour (1978)
  • The key to big Scores is to get the 20k Bonus with first Ball. This is carried over from Ball to Ball and ist not hard to aim for 30k, 40k.
  • Shoot the inline drops to add value to the left orbit spinner. Milk that spinner and collect letters in the center saucer.
  • Extra ball is lit by completing the 5 standups along the left below the spinner and collected at the lower right standup.
  • Inline drops light GLOBE letters to get those big points.
  • Beware the gap between the two left "scissor" flippers. A ball that passes in between drains in the most embarrassing way!
  • If Super Bonus carries over, it can be very valuable as well, and can be increased by hitting the lit center spinner.
  • Standup at far right opens the right outlane gate.
  • Hit the lit spinner of the 2 center spinners to increase bonus. Hit in-line drops to multiply that bonus. Game is bonus heavy.
  • Mata Hari (1977)
  • Drop target completion awards 50k instantly.
  • Shoot for saucer up top to advance bonus x.
  • Saucer also lights 50k insert on the outlanes.
  • If it doesn't return STDM, saucer all day. Note you likely need to lob your shot to land in the hole gently, otherwise you'll miss.
  • Sky Kings (1974)
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    World Cup Soccer (1994)
  • Once per multiball, hit the Extra Ball button to relight jackpot.
  • Striker awards in tourney mode: 1) Penalty Kick, 2) 3 Goals, 3) Advance 3 Cities, 4) Extra Ball (50M with EBs turned off)...
  • Striker award in tourney mode (continued)... 5) Unlimited Kickback, 6) Super Free Kick, 7) 20M.
  • Shoot 5 Build Lock shots to light lock, shoot a ramp to lock, shoot Final Draw to start MB. Then goal for jackpot, ramps to relight jackpot.
  • Activate the first Striker award by hitting Striker OR the goal (as long as the goalie isn't moving). Subsequent awards from Striker only.
  • Goal also stars Ultra mode (ramp/spinner/jets/goalie). Ultra mode points are added at end of ball bonus, so don't tilt!
  • "buy ticket" with 1 of each ramp shot or top lanes to flash new city on left spinner. Advance to Los Angeles (spinner shot) for wizard mode.
  • After defeating Germany, ramps and goal are lit for unlimited victory laps of huge points for as long as you keep the multiball going.
  • Pulp Fiction (2024)
  • Hold Left Flipper while plunging to try a "Super" Skill Shot. Make any flashing Payoff shot for skillshot. Same value as 'saucer' skillshot.
  • Bad Girls (1988)
  • All drops = qualifies MB, but hold left flipper up at start of MB or else you'll lose the ball. Also lit spinners are HUUUUGE points.
  • Charlie's Angels (1978)
  • Don't bother with the Collect Bonus target until you are maxed out at 5X already - shooting the drops to advance Bonus X is less risky.
  • Count-Down (1979)
  • Complete each drop target bank to earn corresponding BonusX color. 2x must be completed before 3x will light, etc.
  • Progress on completed drop target banks of higher level BonusX are saved during the same ball. BonusX must be re-earned each ball.
  • Complete enough drop target banks and Extra Ball will be lit on the upper left flipper lane.
  • Any drop targets count towards Bonus so don't be afraid to shoot out of order!
  • Collect lit body parts to adv. playfield multiplier by 1x for each part. Once a part is complete, a ramp will flash to start multiball.
  • Playfield is double whatever the current x value is during multiball, for example, 4 parts collected = 5x in single play, 10x in multiball.
  • Shooting 123 drops in order adds a letter to each part but beware outlane drains. All parts collected lights varitarget for 500k.
  • Complete all 4 body parts to light "life force generator" on vari-target. Target must go all the way back. Now you can get more multipliers.
  • During Multiball, nail the vari-target for big points.
  • Attack upper left playfield drop targets to build up bonus value. Shoot spinner when lit to build bonus value.
  • Concentrate on increasing bonus multiplier above other goals. Pop bumper hits light or unlight lower drops to increase from 2X to 5X.
  • Extra ball targets lit by completing ABCD or one set of the upper drops.
  • DONT TILT! Any decent ball is likely to have a large bonus.
  • Shoot any standing star(yellow) drop target when lit to increase bonus multiplier.
  • Bonus multiplier is shots to lower drop target bank when lit.
  • Game is all about bonus. Star drops when lit, spinner when lit, rollovers when possible, cash in bonus at top right saucer when lit.
  • Shooting any standing star drop target when lit increases both bonus multiplier and the bonus itself.
  • Light and unlight Star Drops at pop bumpers and star rollovers. Stars light stars.
  • The “upper playfield” drop targets build bonus. Each hit counts, complete color to light special/extra ball. Bank will reset lit for more.
  • Bonus collect saucer lights after 20,000 bonus has been reached.
  • Basically everything on the game builds bonus, so its all about not tilting and increasing the multiplier.
  • Although you can earn 3 extra balls (ABCD, White Drops, Red Drops), Genie only lets you earn one per ball, so dont be greedy.
  • Max bonus is 29,000 at 5x = 145k
  • Jumping Jack (1973)
  • If you have the 10x Bonus, drill the drop targets and try to survive. If you don't have the 10x Bonus, light it!
  • Despite the location of the pops on this game, they are usually helpful to keep the ball alive so nudge while you can to keep the ball alive.
  • Plunge to lit saucer so that drops earn 1k (instead of 100). If rubbers are fresh often easier to plunge incorrect lane and bounce over.
  • On last ball, drops score 500 each, or 5k if lit saucer collected. If missed on plunge, prioritize shooting for lit saucer!
  • Try to plunge into the lit saucer at the top.
  • Get a feel for how the lanes at the top feed - there usually is at least one lane that bounces (or can be nudged) to the opposite saucer.
  • If a ball goes to the side of or under a pop bumper, hold that side's flipper up to guard from a quick feed towards the center.
  • Monte Carlo (1987)
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  • Drop target banks increase bonus X. Completed banks adv X only if previous are also down. Ex. can't collect 4X until 3X and 2X are also down.
  • Bonus (max 15K) will be collected once all drops are down, at which point they will reset and you start the whole process over.
  • Spinner and star rollovers advance bonus, completing banks lights a top lane for an award. the purple banks lights extra ball lane.
  • Getting the 3-bank of targets down lights the 2nd rollover for an extra ball, if enabled. Extremely valuable.
  • Title Fight (1990)
  • Go to the top mini playfield and knock all standup targets down within the timer. When it drops in the scoop, flip when it says fight. Rinse and repeat.
  • In multiball, hit 10 glove targets to collect 3 mil jackpot.
  • CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2008)
  • Center ramp repeatedly to start skull multiball.
  • Centrifuge repeatedly to start that multiball.
  • Quickly plunge (to beat the autolaunch) for the skillshot after locking balls, the insert will not be lit but skillshot is still available.
  • Complete all of one color evidence to start microscope multiball.
  • 3 switch rule. Bonus X by completing inlanes, then scoop. Can do this without game realizing ball is in play. New code may fix this.
  • Stack Centrifuge MB with either Skull or Microscope MB.
  • Start Ballistics mode just before starting a MB.
  • Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyrant's Eye (2025)
    No tips yet, wanna share some? Please.
    Flight 2000 (1980)
  • Shoot the right spinner and sweep the right drop targets all day. Spinner advances in value to 5K/spin. Sweeps have a chance to score 50k.
  • Left spinner is very valuable after muliball, and if you have locks already, each switch to kick a ball to the lanes scores 10k, so 20k+spin.
  • Lock 2 balls in launcher. Complete B-L-A-S-T O-F-F around playfield. Count down drop targets from 5 to 1. Shoot launcher for MB.
  • Even though 5x is the max bonus shown on the playfield, 15x is possible. This makes the highest bonus collection in the game 150k.
  • To advance the bonus 1x, either drop all 3 targets or hit the center standup.
  • "O" (right inlane) is the hardest letter: the least risky way to hit it is to get the ball rolling up from underneath.
  • The multiball is much easier to start the second(third, fourth) times; the center stand-up target will spell BLAST.
  • The least risky way to finish the top lanes is to repeatedly lock balls. Shooting from below exposes you to more danger from the pops.
  • The smoothest shots in this game come from letting the ball roll off a raised flipper to pass it. Trapping up will make those shots harder.
  • Depending on setup, the center post can be used to bounce the ball across from flipper to flipper.
  • Drop targets on left advance planets and award lit planet value. Inlanes will spot the drop targets until you reach Saturn.
  • Advancing planets also increases bonus x.
  • Top left galaxy lane awards 2k per lit letter in galaxy plus 3k (max at 15k).
  • John Wick (2024)
  • Smash the car multiple times then left orbit for multiball.
  • Soft plunges that go past the second rollover and roll back into crate are BAD: no Job progress, minimal score, melts the Ball Save timer.
  • Short soft plunge in to the case for another skill shot. Helps jobs progress.
  • Spell WINSTON to light lock on center ramp.
  • Short plunge into the popper for skill shot, Popper spots enemies.
  • Try soft-plunging balls served from the trough before they auto-launch, to directly serve those balls to the Right Flipper via the Crate.
  • Oath Marker targets light outlane ball saves. FLASHING outlane = active, SOLID outlane = CONSUMED. Fight an Adversary to reset both outlanes.
  • Enemies "block shot arrows." Job shots and Jackpots require clearing any Enemies away from the shot (up to 6) before they can be collected.
  • Job shots give 5s extra time. Once per Job, finish Crate sequence again for a ~30s extension. May exceed the original 60-second time limit.
  • Soft plunge avoiding both rollovers gives Baba Yaga skill shot, starting at 1.5mil.
  • The Uncanny X-Men (2024)
  • Hit the sentinel head multiple times for multiball.
  • Johnny Mnemonic (1985)
  • Spinner million points are awarded in bonus, so Hold Bonus and Award Bonus can be very valuable awards if Spinner Millions is reached.
  • Shoot left ramp or roll though the left inlane. Then shoot the right ramp or right loop to collect the award. Repeat until spinner millions.
  • On first lock, the DMD cycles through awards and a corresponding lock grid space will light up. Drop ball in grid space to get award.
  • Looping the ramps for Yakuza is a good way to start if you can do it consistently, and it also builds toward spinner mils and quick MB.
  • Lock balls in matrix 3 in a row, allows your jackpots to be 3x.
  • Bob's bunker lights first lock. Start a mode to light second and third locks.
  • Don't hold down the move buttons in Video Mode - tap to move in the dir you want, then use them to speed up on the dots when you get close.
  • Starting Yakuza mode right before starting multiball can be extremely lucrative.
  • The Left Flipper changes the selected mode.
  • NASCure mode drops the ball in the Jet Lanes after a successful shot,making it the quickest and safest way to max bonus.Helpful for SpinMil
  • At midnight the game will start Midnight Madness multiball where all targets are worth 3M.
  • Jungle Lord (1981)
  • Spell LORD by going in kickout holes to shoot mini-ball on left, or by completing banks of drops on lower playfield. LORD lights multiball.
  • Completing lower playfield drops banks lights magna saves (use auxiliary flipper buttons). "Pulse" style magna saves.
  • During multiball there is a ball save for ~30 seconds (see credit display). If you drain during that time, put the other ball in a hole.
  • Inlane switch temporarily lights the center horseshoe lane (feeds out on the left) for +BonusX.
  • Space Shuttle (1984)
  • Light spinner levels by completing drop targets next to spinner. Then it's spinner all day for big points!
  • Besides increasing the spinner value, the drop targets also open the gate on the right outlane.
  • Shoot locks on left and right, then shoot shuttle ramp in middle to start. Shuttle ramp then freezes and scores points on display.
  • The center target can be dangerous. When down, quickly lock a ball and the target will not reset when the timer runs out.
  • Space Station (1987)
  • Lock 2 balls on left orbit or right ramp, then shoot left orbit or upper right corner kicker for release. Re-lock 2 balls during MB for JP.
  • Try to only complete 2 of 3 lanes up top. That way when you're back down to single ball play it only takes one lane to relight locks.
  • You can steal locks.
  • Mini playfield lane completion re-lights lock after multiball.
  • "Bonus Ball" is separate from "Extra ball" and is a timed ball played at the end of the game. Multi-ball is unavailable on a bonus ball.
  • USA lanes will increase the stop 'n' score multiplier. If you manage to raise it a bit, stop 'n' score can become pretty valuable.
  • Spell "SHUTTLE" or "STATION" to re-light kickback and score corresponding award. Both flippers at once toggles right "change" target.
  • Getting multiball at least once during your game will increase your bonus ball timer.
  • Both flippers will toggle the white/orange arrows on the right target. It's worth checking it's still on what you want after a slap save.
  • A sweep shot of the upper 3 targets (usually from the left flipper, dropping all of them in one go) is 100K points.
  • The Getaway: High Speed II (1992)
  • Shift up to 5th gear before video mode starts for maximum points (~26-27m). Easiest strategy is to stay between the left 2 lanes.
  • During the 2nd ball lock animation, if there are three cop cars in front of the donut shop, move the shifter up and down for "Secret Mania".
  • Be extra careful abusing the ball save for RPMs when there's 2 balls locked, the ball takes an age to make its way through the empty trough.
  • After plunging, you can intentionally drain a couple times for free RPMs from the ball save. Don't push your luck, you're risking your ball.
  • Go for the orbits, and move the plunger w/ your right knee when it says "shift gears". You'll multiply bonus, activate modes and get to WM.
  • Upper loop advances RPMs and is also a million plus shot.
  • The ramp and tunnel shot will spot traffic light targets to make getting to the first multiball easier.
  • During the 4th Gear Supercharger Mode, the Ramp will be lit for 5 Million PLUS - next ramp is 10, then 15... Ski-pass ball to right flipper.